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Certification Bodies: what is it ?

You may be interested to know how certification bodies work and it is all about ? Let’s talk about it then !

What is the accreditation of certification organizations?

The accreditation of certification organizations is a procedure which aims to verify and attest to the competence of organizations which provide compliance assessment services. Several types of organizations can be accredited, such as certifying organizations, control laboratories or even internal quality control organizations.

The certifications are established through a rigorous and continuous process, which is based on 3 pillars: – recognition of the level of general competence – the evaluation of the management system put in place – a regular return on operational efficiency goal is to provide customers with a constant level of quality and reliability of the services provided by the accredited body.

Also, there are professional associations that support these certifications. They promote it to their members !



Association that support professional certification

What are the advantages of quality insurance for businesses?

Quality insurance is a preventive measure which aims to reduce the risk of non-compliance.

Companies are subject to several types of controls, and quality insurance constitutes one of the methods used by accreditation organizations to verify compliance with requirements.

Quality insurance encompasses a wide range of controls, both within internal services and among suppliers.

There are numerous the advantages of quality insurance: compliance with the standards and regulations in force is guaranteed; Compliance with hygiene and safety rules is ensured; A positive image of your organization is reinforced, which can lead to an increase in turnover; Improving relationships with staff, customers and business partners; Reduction of costs related to quality control and monitoring (average cost per article or per batch); Better access to public contracts thanks to ISO 9001 certification.




How are certification organizations recognized by industries?

Certification organizations are independent organizations which have the role of assessing the level of quality and product safety.

They are also responsible for certifying the standards established by their members.

Certification organizations deliver certifications to manufacturers, but also to distributors. The latter must then make this information available to the public so that it is accessible to the general public. In order to obtain such accreditation, an organization must comply with certain obligations in terms of procedures and internal control, in particular to preserve the integrity of the accreditation process.

It is important that organizations are transparent and communicate on their actions so that they are recognized by the industries concerned and by consumers.


What are the different quality standards for certification organizations?

Quality standards are rules established by a certification organization in order to guarantee the quality of a product or service.

There are different types of standards, which can be divided into three categories: technical standards, professional standards and other standards.

The former concern everything that is technical, such as the application of an anti-graffiti layer on a window for example.

The seconds are linked to the know-how and the competence of the staff. Finally, there are other standards that are not attached to businesses but to all consumers. In particular, they make it possible to verify that the product respects a certain brand or a certain model. To be able to use a protected commercial appellation for example, you must comply with a specific specifications.

When it comes to affixing a collective brand on a product or on a service, it must be deposited with a competent national office.


What is the impact of certification organizations on consumers?

With the arrival of certification organizations, the market has experienced a radical change. Indeed, consumers found themselves faced with a multitude of organizations claiming to deliver Halal certification. To avoid being scammed by false certifiers, it is important to choose your body well and to check your skills to be able to distinguish real from false.

The criteria to recognize a good certifier How to recognize a good certifier? A good certification organization must meet different criteria to be recognized as such.

He must above all: be registered in the commercial register; Have a certain notoriety on the market; Have a lasting and reliable financial structure; Demonstrate that he has recognized expertise and know-how; Have a real ability to control the quality of certified products; Provide consumers with clear information on their activities and organization so that everyone can make their own minds on this privileged market player.


How can certification organizations guarantee the compliance of products to international standards?

The certification organization is an independent organization that attests that the management system and the products meet the requirements of international standards.

It is generally made up of an audit committee, made up of people with audit experience, and a technical committee, trained by experts in the field concerned.

The certification organization can be public or private. In the latter case, it is generally attached to a company marketing certified products.

Public organizations are often attached to ministries or government agencies (for example: AFNOR for France), while private organizations are most often associated with national or foreign companies. Why choose a certification organization? Choosing a certification organization allows the manufacturer to ensure compliance with international standards relating to the management system and/or the products it manufactures, controls or sells. This commitment offers you the possibility of using this label as proof to your end client and with the competent authorities. A certificate issued by an accredited organization also allows the supplier who obtained it as proof of the effective respect of the ISO 14001 environmental management system, OHSAS 18001 (occupational health and safety) and ISO 9001 (quality).

The certificate also constitutes proof to the end customer regarding the intrinsic quality of the product or service concerned.

Accreditation is a procedure by which an independent organization, such as an accreditation organization or an accreditation committee, determines whether a certification body meets specified requirements and if it can thus be used to certify the products compliant with standards.


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