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Focus on acne

Few people have never had a problem with acne, and a significant proportion of the world’s population suffers from this benign but often disabling condition. Fortunately, acne can be treated effectively, thanks to advances in science and technology.

Definition: what is acne ?

About 90% of teenagers and 80% of the population aged 11 to 30 suffer from acne outbreaks, a scourge that affects 6 million French people. Up to 30% of young adults suffer from this skin problem, which does not exclude people who have passed the age of 30.

In 99% of cases, acne pimples and the typical redness that accompanies them appear on the face, particularly on the forehead, nose and/or chin. This is the part of the body with the highest concentration of functional sebaceous glands. However, acne can also develop elsewhere. The neck, back, shoulders and chest can be prone to pimples and redness.

Comedones, or acne pimples, can take two forms: white pimples that are full of sebum and blackheads that are lodged deep in the pores. In both cases, acne is the result of excessive sebum secretion, which can be combined with impurities and/or bacteria that cause inflammation of the skin.

It is important to know that popping pimples is not recommended at all. This seemingly harmless act can lead to the multiplication of pimples as it encourages the proliferation of bacteria and microbes. It is wiser to be patient and wait for the pimples to dry up and disappear on their own. Better still, you can turn to cosmetic and/or dermatological products that effectively treat acne problems.

Focus on acne in cosmetics

Cosmetic products are developed to allow each person to adopt a beauty and/or well-being ritual that suits them. Moreover, the different skin types are taken into account when developing the corresponding products.


We note that anti-seborrheic and anti-inflammatory skin care products are in great demand in the sector. There are lotions, creams and make-up products specifically adapted to acne-prone skin. These solutions help to clean and protect the skin to conceal acne pimples. Some cosmetic treatments aim to reduce or even eradicate acne breakouts.

The suitability of the products applied should never be taken lightly as the needs of the skin vary according to its type. Poor removal of dead skin cells, inadequate moisturising or insufficient frequency of application can clog pores and weaken the skin, which automatically leads to acne.

Focus on acne in dermatology

Not surprisingly, acne is the most common reason for visiting a dermatologist. Men and women, teenagers and adults alike are looking for anti-seborrheic treatments, but also for medication to combat the inflammation caused by acne.

For the treatment to be adequate, the doctor must first identify the causes of the rash. Otherwise, the results may be temporary and the acne may develop again as a result of the triggering factor. Common causes are hormonal imbalances, skin thickening and bacteria.

Introducing the company Phenocell

The contract research organisation (CRO) called PHENOCELL conducts extensive studies on cells that are reproduced on human models. The cells studied are developed in-vitro and subjected to a series of tests and observations. New technologies are skilfully exploited so that the results of the tests offer maximum precision.

It is thus possible to understand the functioning of the sebaceous glands, to identify the factors likely to trigger pathologies and also to identify the most effective active ingredients for treating dermatological problems. It should be noted that Phenocell conducts its pre-clinical research on acne-prone skin of different ethnicities (African, Caucasian and Asian).

What role can Phenocell’s technology play in acne ?

Phenocell uses high-throughput imaging to analyse sebocytes (cells that produce sebum) reproduced in-vitro. Phenotypic tests are rigorously carried out in order to identify the mechanisms of action of various active ingredients. It is then possible to match an active ingredient to a specific skin type so that treatments for acne and hyperseborrhoea are adjusted to the characteristics of the skin concerned.

The protocols developed by Phenocell do not aim at a temporary alleviation of acne but a more or less long term treatment that targets the origins of the pathology. Thanks to Phenocell’s sebocyte technology, it is possible to identify powerful anti-seborrheic or anti-redness active ingredients which, once incorporated into creams/gels, will provide solutions to skin imperfections.

Treating acne requires patience, but more importantly, it requires a tailor-made protocol that can guarantee lasting effects. This is now possible thanks to the innovative solutions made available by the latest technologies.

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