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5 interior design tips for you

Isn’t it a pleasure to admire a tastefully decorated space ? Indeed, decoration is one of the factors that determines whether we feel happy in a place or not. So it is essential you create an interior where you feel comfortable, somewhere you will not tire of long-term. Discover these simple tips for achieving the most attractive effect

air conditioner cover


Mix your materials


Let’s face it, the total look is not outdated. However, when you use different materials in combination, you can achieve a bold effect without overdoing things.

If you have a tiled floor, use wooden furniture and woodwork, for example, to warm the atmosphere. If wood is the predominant material, play around with textiles: they will add softness to your scheme. Similarly, aluminium, steel and PVC blend perfectly with wood, polished concrete or even natural stone.

The easiest way is to use traditional materials as your foundation and then some add trendy elements, along with some subtle touches, to complete the whole look. The opposite can also work. All you have to do is find the right balance. Ensure that each material can be fully appreciated without hiding the features of the others.

Beware of choosing colours that you may grow tired of

While it is true that tones that are too bland are not always welcoming, colours that are too unconventional do not create a relaxing atmosphere. Once again, the trick is to create a balanced combination based on your own preferences. Choose fairly classic tones as the basis for your interior design. Then, add a few sparkling or darker notes to customise the look.

It is easier to adopt unusual colours for elements that can be easily replaced, or whose finish can be changed with a simple brushstroke. Red paint on a wall panel, orange, turquoise or candy-pink cushions, a sea-green mat for the floor: these are possibilities you can explore, and the options do not stop there.

Hide your air-conditioner

An air-conditioning system is a must if you are to enjoy a pleasant atmosphere indoors. One-piece reversible air-conditioners are particularly popular, because they blow in hot or cold air, according to the seasons. However, the design of the device often leaves something to be desired. This lack of ascetics also affects outdoor units, which impacts upon the design of your terrace, façade or balcony.

Instead of being stuck with looking at the air-conditioning system, you can adopt a designer solution to hide the air-source heat pump. That is why air-conditioner covers (such as you will find here) were invented! These are boxes, made in a wide variety of shapes and materials, which rest on top of the device. There is no need to get involved in lengthy or expensive work. The covers are delivered with a fixing kit. If you have chosen to install an air-conditioning system high up, close in the bottom of the box and leave the top open to allow for the airflow. If the installation is at ground level, the opposite applies.

You must reflect your existing interior design, so that the air-conditioning cover plays a decorative role. Take your inspiration from the materials already present in the room or the outdoor space. If timber is in the spotlight, then choose an air-conditioning cover made of wood. In the same vein, you can turn to artificial plants, PVC, wrought iron and other materials. The most important thing is to ensure that the air-conditioner cover blends harmoniously into the existing decor.

You should note that the air-conditioner covers can be multi-purpose. Some models, for example, have shelves which can make them useful both indoors and out.

So as you can see, you can air-condition your home without spoiling the look of the premises. A comfortable atmosphere and good design guaranteed!

Think about storage space

A well-organised home requires appropriate storage space. You will need to think carefully about this if you want to avoid discrepancies in style. The first thing to do is to evaluate the space properly. It is a good idea to make some sketches to plan out where you will put the furniture. At the same time, you must determine your needs, depending on the nature and quantity of the items you need to store. For example, it is not a good idea to invest in a huge bookcase if you only have a dozen or so books. It is better to turn to less imposing furniture that you can use to hold several types of items: books, plants, decorative objects, and so on.

Always keep enough space for traffic and do not neglect ease of access to your storage space. Imagine having to move your sofa every time you wanted to get to the sideboard. That really wouldn’t be practical, would it?

Add a few distinctive pieces

The difference is often in the detail, and it only takes a few items to give your interior a unique feel. Low, nested tables with an offbeat design, a contemporary hanging light installed over the dining table, some crystal vases, a beautiful rug in a natural material, there are plenty of options.
Good interior design is all about creating a space where you feel good and where you will not tire of the decor within a few weeks. The golden rule is to preserve visual harmony as you play with a variety of different materials and colours. Over to you!

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